Primary Admissions
Primary Alternative Provision Panel Request for Support. If you require a paper copy or more information on anything in this section please contact us.
For the request for support form please click here​
For the Referral following permanent exclusion form please click here​
Children may attend or be supported by one of our alternative provisions following a request for support. The Primary Alternative Provision Panel (PAPP) is the referral route to the existing alternative education provisions in North East and Mid Essex. This panel will meet up each half term.
The panel will consist of senior leaders from NEECA, GROW, representatives from the SEND quadrant team and primary head teachers from the quadrant. The purpose of this panel will be:
to ensure the effective use of alternative provision places in the north-east and mid-Essex, by ensuring a transparent and rigorous request for support process involving a consensus of opinion between the provisions, other professionals and the Local Authority.
to increase the capacity and ability of primary school staff to assess, understand and work effectively with their pupils by offering advice and signposting schools to appropriate support.
to smoothly transition children to a setting that is best suited to their individual needs which could be their own school, another mainstream school, a specialist hub or setting within agreed timescales.
The alternative provisions work in partnerships and are based across a number of sites. Children are placed at different provisions according to their referral route and level of need.
Children that are offered a place following a request for support will attend either NEECA in Colchester or one of the GROW provisions.
Mid Essex
GROW Clacton: Whitehall Academy
GROW Colchester (north): Braiswick Primary
GROW Colchester (south): Monkwick Junior School
GROW Chelmsford: Newlands Spring
GROW Braintree: Lyons Hall Primary
From September 2019, the cost for a GROW placement will be £500 per term dependent on the provision offer.
It is not expected that pupils with EHCPs will be referred to the PAPP unless there is a clear and time limited piece of work identified to be undertaken with the child. Any such referral must have support from the quadrant statutory assessment team.
The Panel does not replace or change the referral process for any other service i.e. the EP Service, Specialist Teacher Team or the Statutory Assessment Service.
If you think alternative provision is an appropriate next step then you must complete a ‘Request for Support’ form and have agreement from parents/carers/social care.
You can find the form on the website (see below) and return it to Please ensure information is transferred securely.
Completed requests for support (including the signed parental consent section) must be sent a minimum of five working days before the PAPP for it to be heard at that meeting.
Please see the websites for more details about each provision and for the request form
A child will not be offered a place at GROW if they are undergoing a Statutory Assessment for an EHCP. The place can only be offered once the plan is finalised.
Dates of PAPP meetings for 23/24
Autumn 1
22nd September - cut off date
10th October - panel
Autumn 2
17th November - cut off date
5th Dec - panel
Spring 1
19th Jan - cut off date
6th Feb - panel
Spring 2
1st March - cut off date
19th March - panel
Summer 1
20th April - cut off date
14th May - panel
Summer 2
24th May - cut off date
18th June - panel
Permanent Exclusion
A decision to permanently exclude a child must be made in line with the DfE statutory guidance on the exclusion of pupils from local-authority-maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units. If you have any concerns or questions then please discuss this with the LA Education Access Specialist Team based in County Hall Chelmsford. Permanent exclusion should always be the very last resort and therefore to talk this over first is always advisable.
Do you need more information? Can't find what you're looking for? If you have a query or question, please contact:
Charlotte Erith
NEECA Primary
01206 852156